1) Export your @LAB en-au labels from AOT. (Should be AxMAZen-us.ald)
2) Rename the file to AxMAZfr-ca.ald
3) Go to "Label Files" node in AOT, select "Create from File".
4) Select AxMAZen-us.ald, click Yes when you are prompt to overwrite.
Note that if there is a label with the same text (under any en-us label file ID) as the one you created for @MAZit will have some problem. You can solve that by adding unique description for the Labels in @MAZ.
YveoforZlu-ho1993 Donna Bonham https://wakelet.com/wake/vqhINnz8_sLoyje7uCV3N
aclepi-ji Melinda Khan Driver Genius
McAfee Internet Security