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Showing posts from January, 2017

Auto Number Generation MS CRM 2016,2013,2011 through plugin C#

In this article I am showing you how you can generate number sequence of a specific record of specific entity. here are the step Step:1     First of all create an Entity " new_autonumber " Step:2 after that you will need to create the fields. new_entityattributename (field name which you need to use as primary column of Entity .Mostly new_name are the primary attribute in ms crm) new_number (you don't need to add anything here. this field will show how much number record created of specific entity) new_prefix (this field use to prefix for number sequence) new_typename (entity name will be set in this field) Step:3 Set these fields on form and views Step:4 download my plugin from github. download AutoNumberGeneration folder Code are shown here. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsof...

CRM 2016 webapi limitation

 multiple level of expansion in crm webapi 2016 Solution : Multi level expansion is not allows in  crm 2016 webapi not allowed http://serverurl/api/data/v8.0/new_medicalcase(caseid)?$expand=new_patientcase_mcfamily($expand=new_name($select=fullname)) allowed http://serverurl/api/data/v8.0/new_patientcase(caseid)?$expand=new_patientcase_mcfamily   Can't query date values Solution :  allowed /contacts?$select=fullname,birthdate&$filter=birthdate eq 1990-01-01 not allowed  /contacts?$select=fullname,birthdate&$filter=birthdate eq '1990-01-01'

generate OptionSet Class through SDK. CRM 2016

In this article I am generating  OptionSet Class through SDK. CRM 2016 Please follow the steps. You can add this class in your plugin and custom C# project.  Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7:     Step 8:    Command: CrmSvcUtil.exe /codewriterfilter:"Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.FilteringService, GeneratePicklistEnums" /codecustomization:"Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.CodeCustomizationService, GeneratePicklistEnums"  /namingservice:"Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples.NamingService, GeneratePicklistEnums" /url :http://crm-02:5555/dynamicscrm/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:OptionSets.cs /interactivelogin:true You need to change the highlighted service url.

Retrieve many to many relation MS CRM 2016 query expression C#

string entity1 = " mzk _ dosageform "; string entity2 = " mzk_ordersetup "; string relationshipEntityName = " mzk_mzk_dosageform_mzk_route ";          LinkEntity linkEntity1 = new LinkEntity(entity1, relationshipEntityName, "mzk_dosageformid", "mzk_dosageformid", JoinOperator.Inner); LinkEntity linkEntity2 = new LinkEntity(relationshipEntityName, entity2, "mzk_ordersetupid", "mzk_ordersetupid", JoinOperator.Inner); linkEntity2.Columns = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet("mzk_ordersetupid", "mzk_code", "mzk_description"); linkEntity2.EntityAlias = "OrderSetup"; linkEntity1.LinkEntities.Add(linkEntity2); query.LinkEntities.Add(linkEntity1); linkEntity2.LinkCriteria = new FilterExpression(); linkEntity1.LinkCriteria.AddCondition(new ConditionExpression("mzk_dosageformid", ConditionOperator.Equal, Dosage)); SoapEntityRepository entityRepository = new SoapEntityRep...

Soap Entity Repository Class MS CRM 2016 Part 1

 Hi guys hope you all are good.  Today I am writing a new article for the CRM developer and this will help the you alot.  I have created Entity repository class which perform different opertion in crm. I will tell you how to call these method in my next article.  public class SoapEntityRepository : Repository     {         private IOrganizationService _service;         private OrganizationServiceProxy proxyService;   // get CRM Service Object         public IOrganizationService GetCRMService(string UserName,string Password, string Domain)         {             ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();             credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCr...

How to move labels from one language to another AX 2012

1) Export your @LAB en-au labels from AOT. (Should be AxMAZen-us.ald) 2) Rename the file to AxMAZfr-ca.ald 3) Go to "Label Files" node in AOT, select "Create from File". 4) Select AxMAZen-us.ald, click Yes when you are prompt to overwrite. Note that if there is a label with the same text (under any en-us label file ID) as the one you created for @MAZit will have some problem. You can solve that by adding unique description for the Labels in @MAZ.

get MS CRM Organization Logo in SQL query and showing on SSRS

In this article I am showing you to how to update and retrieve the Organization logo and display in SSRS report logo using SQL query. First of all we need to add Organization logo in MS CRM .I am using MS CRM 2016 On premises  version. Go to Setting then Customization for add new theme. Go to theme in Customization Tab. now you can see the above screen shot.MS CRM have default theme is already available but we cannot edit the default theme So we have clone the existing theme and update the logo. The above screenshot is showing the area of Logo. Above screenshot is selecting the logo from web resource . I have added logo in web resource Above screenshot is assign the logo in theme. Now We need to publish the  theme that will make default theme. the above screenshot will show the update theme with update logo. the above query will retrieve the Organization Logo from MS ...