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Dynamics CRM 2011 Sales Process

What is a Sales Process?
A sales process is a series of steps that complete a sale. This process starts the
moment you hear about a potential sale and includes every interaction and step
you go through from that point forward, until the sale is complete.
The number of steps in the sales process, the types of interactions you have along
the way, and the length of time the process takes to complete depend on your
business and the customers.

• Some sales processes are short; for example, in a business-tocustomer
(B2C) sale, a customer enters the store, finds the desired
item, asks a sales representative a question, and then pays for the
item. The sales process is complete in only a few steps.

• In other situations, such as business-to-business (B2B) sales
processes, the steps and time involved are greater. The sales person
could have several meetings with the customer to discuss the
product, there is a negotiation phase around pricing, contracts might
be written and approved, and the final purchase might occur months
after the start of the process.

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Thanks & Regards,
Rizwan Ahmed
Software Engineer And Microsoft Dynamics Technical Consultant
Cell Phone:+92 332 3588699



  1. having a Simple CRM can really expand your business online and it can really fasten your sales.


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