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Showing posts from 2012

SMTP Check Port 25 with the Telnet Command

SMTP Check Port 25 with the Telnet Command You can check your SMTP Server on SMTP port 25 with the following Telnet command: Open a command line and type telnet 25 If your server is online a connection will be established on port 25 (SMTP). An Exchange Server answers with the following output: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.5329 ready at Sat, 22 May 2006 08:34:14 +0200 When you type the ‘help’ command the available commands are listed: 214-This server supports the following commands: 214 HELO EHLO STARTTLS RCPT DATA RSET MAIL QUIT HELP AUTH TURN ATRN ETRN BDAT VRFY Try the following to send an eMail from the command line: 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.5329 ready at Sat, 22 May 2006 09:01:29 +0200 helo 250 Hello [] mail from:< > 250 2.1.0 ...

How to Update Field in Grid through Button Click Dynamics AX 2009

Sometimes user forget to enter the fields which will be required when the process move forward just like salestaxinvoice In this Article I am showing you to how to Update Field in Grid through Button Click and our Scenario is to add  REMITTANCE  NUMBER ID in Vendor Details -Go to Vendor Detail and then click Transaction then go to Setup and Open VendTrans in AOT -Add Button through Designer  -And then add Click method -And paste this code in Click Method void clicked() {     VendTrans   _ppt;     str             inv;     int             rec;     dialog          dlg;     dialogField     fldRemitanceNumber;  ...

How to Convert VHD to VDI or VDI to VHD file

 Step1  : Open Command Prompt Step2 : paste this command according to requirement C:\>"c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonehd C:\AXVM\CRM.vhd C:\AXVM\New.vdi --format VDI   BE a part of My Network : Thanks & Regards, Rizwan Ahmed Software Engineer And Microsoft Dynamics Technical Consultant Cell Phone:+92 332 3588699 GTalk | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Blog | Skype

Create new Record in Dynamics CRM 2011 through Javascript

Create new Record in Dynamics CRM 2011 through Javascript BE a part of My Network : Thanks & Regards, Rizwan Ahmed Software Engineer And Microsoft Dynamics Technical Consultant Cell Phone:+92 332 3588699 GTalk | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Blog | Skype

Dyamics Ax 2009 SSRS report call under button

void clicked() { URL _ReportServerUrl; _ReportServerUrl = SRSConfiguration::getReportServerUrl(); if(PurchTable::find(vendpackingslipjour.PurchId).PurchReqExpType==PurchReqExpType::Service) { _ReportServerUrl = _ReportServerUrl + "?/Reports/ServiceCompletion&rs:Command=Render&DAI=" + curext() + "&PurchID=" +VendPackingSlipJour.PurchId +"&PSINTERNALID=" + VendPackingSlipJour.InternalPackingSlipId ; infolog.urlLookup(_ReportServerUrl); } else{ _ReportServerUrl = _ReportServerUrl + "?/Reports/GRN&rs:Command=Render&DAI=" + curext() + "&PurchID=" +VendPackingSlipJour.PurchId + "&PSINTERNALID=" + VendPackingSlipJour.InternalPackingSlipId ; infolog.urlLookup(_ReportServerUrl); } }

SSRS Table Header Repeat in Every Page

Right click Report Report.rdl View Code. Look for TablixRowHierarchy Below that there will be a TablixMember that corresponds to the header row. to that header and any other header rows ( Tablix Member) add the three element properties. KeepWithGroup After /KeepWithGroup RepeatOnNewPage true /RepeatOnNewPage KeepTogether true /KeepTogether You should see the header rows repeating.

Dynamics CRM 2011 Sales Process

What is a Sales Process? A sales process is a series of steps that complete a sale. This process starts the moment you hear about a potential sale and includes every interaction and step you go through from that point forward, until the sale is complete. The number of steps in the sales process, the types of interactions you have along the way, and the length of time the process takes to complete depend on your business and the customers. • Some sales processes are short; for example, in a business-tocustomer (B2C) sale, a customer enters the store, finds the desired item, asks a sales representative a question, and then pays for the item. The sales process is complete in only a few steps. • In other situations, such as business-to-business (B2B) sales processes, the steps and time involved are greater. The sales person could have several meetings with the customer to discuss the product, there is a negotiation phase around pricing, contracts might be written and appr...