In CRM 4 we have easily Add Menu Item in every page through ISV.config but most of the customer required Menu Item Should be display in CRM 2011 < FlyoutAnchor> Tag will ADD Menu Item in Every CRM 2011 Entity. < FlyoutAnchor Id = " Contoso " Sequence = " 26 " Command = " Cmd_Action_test.sub " LabelText = " Contoso " Alt = " Contoso " PopulateOnlyOnce = " false " PopulateDynamically = " false " TemplateAlias = " o1 " > < Menu Id = " " > < MenuSection Id = " Contoso.MenuSection\ " Sequence = " 23 " > < Controls Id = " FA_EForm.control1 " > < Button Id = " Contoso.Contoso1 " Command = " Cmd_Action_test.Contoso1 " Sequence = " 24 " LabelText = " Contoso 1 " Alt = " Contoso 1 " /...