Prerequisites SQL Server Express (2005 or 2008) .NET Framework 3.5 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) Visual Studio 2008 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) Windows Installer SDK Windows PowerShell (Optional) Steps: 1.) Create an empty directory somewhere on your file system called Exported 2.) Navigate to the Tools folder under the install directory for the Windows Installer SDK 3.) Launch MsiDb.exe 4.) In the MsiTable - Select Database for Import/Export dialog, browse to and select the WindowsAzureSDK-x86.msi file. 5.) In the MsiTable - Select Folder containing Text Files dialog, browse to and select the Exported directory you created earlier. 6.) In the MsiTable - Database table import/export window, click the Export radio button. 7.) In the list, select LaunchCondition , and then click OK . 8.) Click the Quit button. 8.) Open " ...\Exported\LaunchCondition.idt " in Notepad 9.) Replace the contents of this file with the following: Condition Descriptio...